Monday, June 23, 2008

Lesson 10 - Spiritual Depression

We all get down and sometimes feel God is not there or our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. I found this excellent resource from John Piper about Spiritual Depression. Read this link and then answer the questions below.

1. What have you found is the most helpful when you are depressed?

2. What have you found is the most helpful for others to do for you when depressed?

3. What did you think about the Psalmists' taking his why questions to God?

4. Are there things you are afraid to ask or tell God?

5. Can you share a time when God spoke to you mightily when you were depressed?

6. Any other thoughts you would like to share?


Unknown said...

1. Consider the source: Is my depression due to circumstances or is it just that time of the month? What is true? My emotions are just feelings. They may feel oh so real, but God's truth that I am loved, blessed, a daughter of the King, living a life of purpose,and promised a glorious eternal life, that God is always in control and working for my good , are the true reality.
2.I find it most helpful when others are content to be with me just as I am. My husband is good at understanding when I feel down and instead of trying to cheer me up or put pressure on me to act happy when I am not, he simply sits with me and holds my hand until the storm is pass.
3. I think taking our why questions to God is wise. He already knows they are there. He hears our thoughts and doubts. He is not threatened by them, I think He even expects them.
4.There are times when I feel angry at God for asking me to do something I have no desire to do. That is when I feel most afraid to tell him my thoughts and feelings.
5. I hear God's voice and encouragement most during depression when I worship Him. This usually happens in the privacy of my car during my day.

Coach Kimberly said...

Hi Amanda,

You made so many good points. I worship in my car as well and sing at the top of my lungs. I loved how you shared about your husband being will to sit with you. That is a wonderful thing to do. We often feel the need to do something and a calming presence can be wonderful. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and thoughts.

Jennifer said...

I thought this was a reflective study. Right now, I am actually feeling a little on the down/sad/depressed side. Since relocating, I have been trying to adjust to the changes specific to moving such as meeting new people, adjusting to new neighbors, getting acclimated to a new job, while trying to maintain my life as a wife and a mother. Although I am being challenged on all fronts, I know like the psalmist that the Lord is with me.

Jennifer said...

I thought this was a reflective study. Right now, I am actually feeling a little on the down/sad/depressed side. Since relocating, I have been trying to adjust to the changes specific to moving such as meeting new people, getting comfortable in a new church, adjusting to new neighbors, getting acclimated to a new job, while trying to maintain my life as a wife and a mother. Although I am being challenged on all fronts, I know like the psalmist that the Lord is with me.