Monday, May 4, 2009

The Secret

Read Paul's secret to success in life, Philippians 4:11-13. Paul wrote Philippians while sitting in jail, yet he could say I'm content in all circumstances, because Christ strengthens me. Our entire society seems to be discontented. In fact, it feels like we are all becoming drama queens. Every little thing becomes major. Do you see that with your children as well? Yet Paul had this inner peace. He knew because Christ lived in him that even if the worst thing happened he would be okay, due to Christ power. Pretty convicting!! I would encourage you to read all of Philippians. Philippians is often called the Epistles of Joy. Paul repeatedly say his joy is not based on circumstances, but on Christ. Here are some questions to consider and please share if you are comfortable:

1. Is my contentment based on my circumstances or my relationship with Christ?

2. What or whom steals my contentment the most?

3. How can I start living in Christ strength instead of my own?

4. If the worst thing happens in my life that I can imagine, will God still be on his throne
and in control?

5. How can I daily rejoice in the Lord always?

One of the things in studying these verses that truly stood out to me was Paul said he had learned to be content in all circumstances. So, Paul didn't come by it automatically he grew to learn to be content. So, we may not get there over night, but we can daily work on being content in all circumstances, because Christ is our power and strength. Please share your thoughts on these verses.


Unknown said...

I hope that this is something that you will be able to do regularly. I have been searching for a Bible study for working moms and have found nothing! I noticed that your posts have been sporadic (which I'm sure is because there has not been much response), but I pray that more mom's will find this awesome site. I love the idea of being "around" other moms who share the same ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc that I have.

I am surrounded by stay-at-home-moms in my community and it has been very difficult. There is a lot of judgement and gossip. I am ready for some healthy interactions.

As for the study questions:

1. My contentment is mostly based on my circumstances :( I typically notice that things are going bad and then have a pity party. I know that everything is either caused by or allowed by God, but it is difficult to remember that when things are not going well.

2. I give my contentment away; I give it to the enemy when I am attacked by him through those who I am surrounded by. I let others control me, my feelings, thoughts, and behaviors... YUCK!

3. I have to completely trust Him with EVERYTHING! faith and trust

4. God is ALWAYS in control! Like I said earlier, He either causes or allows everything to happen. That is difficult to understand when horrible things occur, but He has a plan, a PERFECT plan, that we only get to see a miniscule part of.

5. Trust, prayer, and being surrounded by those who are like minded.

Thank you again for following Christ's lead and doing this blog.

Coach Kimberly said...

Zacharoni64 thanks so much for participating and your insights. I have to agree how circumstances affect our contentment much more than they should. I am going to really try to post Bible studies on a more regular basis. I also think some people do the Bible studies, but don't post. I love it when people post, because we can learn from one another.

Sister Dina said...

I just spoke with a CWM in my office. I asked her what took away her contentment...she said and I agreed, being rushed and trying to get everything done as people are waiting on you. It makes us both very nervious and on edge. I pray that the Lord will give us all an inner peace that we know He is with us and will not leave us....He is for us, who can be against us!

Cynthia Wilson James said...

God bless you and prosper you and your family for being such a great resource for Christian working moms!

Coach Kimberly said...

Sister Dina I certainly recognized that crazed and harried Mom myself. You are right about it is hard to have inner peace. Something we can all strive for.

In Season Mom thanks for yout kind words your were an encouragement to me.

May we all continue to learn to be content.

jars304 said...

1 &2 my contentment is generally circumstantial as you mentioned. Generally I think I have Martha-itis. If my house is not clean I cannot do anything else. And when I work 40 hours a week and have 2 girls (4 &1) that stay home with their dad there is a LOT of cleaning to be done.

3. I need to remember what I have re-learned tonight. REST comes from Him. Not sleep. Not having everything done. Only from Him.

4.God is always in control.

5. James 5:13

Coach Kimberly said...

jars304 thanks for sharing. Rest in God or just general rest is something Moms have a hard time getting. I appreciate you taking time to post.